Lundi After work
avec Eric Martin

Tuesday, November 12, 7pm-9pm

with Eric Martin, performer with the company DCA- Philippe Decouflé

© Arnold Groeschel

Immerse yourself in the world of choreographers invited to the CCNO or as part of the National Stage’s dance programming. These moments of sharing and doing are opportunities to experience the processes of choreographing a piece or simply to come into contact with an artist’s approach.

In this workshop, Eric Martin introduces the relationship to the composition of images specific to Philippe Decouflé’s universe. How to use recorded moving images to transcribe an approach in a particular context? Exploring materials from the Anatomy Solo excerpted from Decouflé’s Decodex, the relationship to music will be explored.

After more than ten years of figure skating, Eric Martin began dancing and met Philippe Decouflé who engaged him to dance in Triton in 1990, leading to an eleven-year collaboration during which he participated in the 1992 Olympic Games Ceremonies, Petites Pièces Montées, Decodex and Shazam! and various short films and commercials. Recently for the company DCA-Philippe Decouflé, he serves as an outside eye, costume designer, and choreographic assistant. He has collaborated with “carnets bagouet”, Vincent Dupont, Christian Rizzo, and Mathilde Monnier, among others. Today Eric Martin is a performance artist. He designs and produces costumes for the performing arts.

10 € / 8€ for subscribers to the Scène Nationale
CCNO Workshop Subscription Card: Your 5th workshop is free!

Solo by Philippe Decouflé

Tuesday 19, Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 November, 8.30 pm, at the Théâtre d’Orléans