Workshop with Julia B. Laperrière

with Julia B. Laperrière,

choreographer of Dangereuses

Thursday, February 24th, 7-9 pm

at the CCNO

participation free, registration necessary
Duration 2 hours

Swivel Open © Marc Coudrais

“What is a dangerous woman, a dangerous human? How can we cultivate a body resistant to oppression? How can we cultivate pleasure in our human interactions? During my stay at the CCN, I will be looking at the potential intersection of the warrior body with the sensual and sensitive body. Seeing softness and vulnerability, strength and brutality not as opposites, but rather intrigued by their encounter and how it unfolds. This workshop will be a sharing of the week’s discoveries.”

Julia B. Laperrière
is a Canadian artist from Quebec, roaming between Berlin, Montpellier and Montreal. The confluence of languages, places, practices, people and gender/genre (both identitary and artistic) are an integral part of her artistic approach. In 2021, she received her Exerce Master degree at the International Choreographique Institute of Montpellier, working in conjunction with the Université Paul-Valéry 3. Lately, she has been immersed in research into the concept of the “dangerous woman”, delving into gender and sexuality, the possibilities of new forms of intimacy, and “dangerous dance”. Julia B. Laperrière has presented her work in Germany, France, Norway, Italy and Canada.