Optional Artistic Education in Dance

The CCNO is associated with dance options in the following schools: Lycée Marceau de Chartres, Lycée en Forêt de Montargis, and most recently, Lycée Jean Zay d’Orléans. Each school year is jointly developed with the high school teaching staff to focus on the works in the programme, a technique and an artistic universe. The artistic interventions are linked to the performances students can see in Orléans and elsewhere. Three axes guide the work by level: dance or dances (sophomore year), the experience of otherness (junior year), the experience of transmitting dance (senior year).

Performing artists involved: Meritxell Checa Esteban, Vincent Delétang, Dominique Genevois, Alice Lada, Françoise Leick, Louis Nam Le Van Ho, Marie Orts, Yohann Têté…

Lycée Jean Zay — Orléans

Option « danse au lycée »
2nde, 1ère et Terminale option facultative

Lycée en Forêt — Montargis

Option « danse au lycée »
2nde, 1ère et Terminale option facultative

Lycée Jean Zay — Orléans

Option « danse au lycée »
2nde, 1ère et Terminale option facultative